Demand Generation

What is it and why do you need to implement it?

It is the marketing process used to drive awareness and interest in a company's product or services. Core responsibilities include: • Programs • Optimization • Segmentation • Personalization • Nurture • Lead scoring • Predictive scoring • TAM analysis • Sales & Marketing Alignmen


Understanding your Goals

Bookings & Revenue

Based upon your marketing efforts these are prospects that you’ve engaged with and committed to spending money.

Qualified Leads

Leads that has indicated interest in what your brand has to offer based on marketing efforts.

Sales Qualified Leads

Prospects created by the marketing team that the sales team has accepted and will continue exploring their interest and capability to purchase.

Creating Funnel Stages

Define stages based upon your goals

It's important for you to understand how the funnel works, how to build your funnel and how to keep your prospects moving down the funnel.

Early Stage – Building awareness, attract the right audience, acquire new names
Mid Stage – Educate your prospects about the product until they are ready to purchase
Late stage – Help your sales team close the deal. Retain. Grow.
List Segmentation

Identify Your Audience

Knowing who you're talking to allows you to develop the right content. Mapping your content to the persona's you've identified will improve your the performance of your campaigns.

Executive Sponsor
Decision Maker

Know which Marketing Programs to Use

Email Marketing
Social Media
Paid Search